Thursday, August 6, 2020

Azure Databricks

 It is an Apache Spark based analytics paltform optimized for Microsoft axzure

key features

  1. Spark SQL lirabry
  2. Streaming services for OIT et
  3. MLIB machine leaning libs
  4. Graph Computation

Spark core API supports

  1. R
  2. SQL
  3. Python
  4. Scala
  5. Java

Azure Databricks as a pltform contains.

  1. Datbricks workspace
  2. Datbrcisk workflows
  3. Databricks Runtime
  4. Databricks I/O
  5. Datbricks Serverless
  6. Dataricks Enterprise Security (DBES)
Storage solutions supported
  1. Blob storage
  2. Data lake
  3. SQL DW
  4. Apache kafka
  5. Hadoop
Applications Supported
  1. ML
  2. Streaming
  3. Data 
  4. Power BI
  5. Others
  • Data Scientist
  • Data engineers
  • Analysts
  • othes

Azure Data Factory (Rest End Point one side and Storage in other end point)

1. Need to have REST API2. Create Data Lake Storage3. Create Azure Data Factory4. Create App registration to access data from Data Lake

Get the URL 
Test URL like Postman or something.

Create data lake storage
Create app registration
Create two linked services ( one for rest end point and other for data lake storage)

RStudio Setup



Once R and RStudio are installed, open RStudio to make sure that you don’t get any error messages.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

AI - Important Terminology

SOLID Principles

S - Single Responsibility Principle

O - Open/Closed Principle

L - Liskov Substitution Principle

I - Interface Segregation Principle

D - Dependency Inversion  Principle 

Friday, February 14, 2020



Blockchain - Steps to Setup Environment

1) install

2) start it..

3) check npm version

4) install python 3.7.4 for windows

5) npm -g install truffle@5.0.2

6) install metamask google echrome extension --> allows to connect to BC personalle account

7) truffle version

8) truffle init

9) packahe.jso

10) Ganache,, from truffle website

11) Metamask extension from google

12) syntax highlighting for solidity.. SUbmile text

1) create the app folder    --> mkdir election

2) unbox pet-shop project from truffle --> truffle unbox pet-shop

Docker Commands

ddocker display version
ddocker login
ddocker pull name-of-the-image
ddocker pull webdevops/php-apache
ddocker search laravel
ddocker images
ddocker rmi IMAGE-ID
ddocker run IMAGE-ID
ddocker ps
ddocker stop CONTAINER-ID
ddocker ps -a
ddocker rm [ID]